People bring gifts and talents from previous lives, which are reactivated by their parents and their environment. The best example for this is Mozart, who already in early years lived his talent in the outside, which he felt inside of him. The point here is that many people bring wonderful gifts and talents with them but choose a profession that is not their vocation. There are many reasons for this, be it that the profession is determined by the family environment or that people choose the profession by purely material means.
Young people in particular, sometimes do not know which profession to choose. Spiritual journeys can help to recognize one's own talents and to let the soul become noticeable in order a choice regarding a career can be made from the heart. People who have been working for a long time suddenly realize in the middle of their lives that they might have "missed" something, would have preferred to have made a different choice or now want to make a different one. The effects can be many sided, either several different professions are looked for or jobs often get changed, always looking for the right job and the right profession.
Since this in principle is usually only a shift of a scene, humans do not find the satisfaction in their career. Sometimes the workplace is also very stressful for people and the requirements are constantly increasing. In various ways, the Spiritual Journeys can lead to insights and to shed light on the situation at the workplace or in general at work and to point out possible new paths.